Building Up the Ancient Ruins


WHY We Build

HVG and our indigenous partners, have been called by God to

• bring good news to the poor
• bind up the brokenhearted
• proclaim liberty to the captives

God has given us a deep love for each and every one of our partners in East Africa. Because of this love, we are bound to them and are committed to serve them long-term. Through this love God leads us to seek physical, social, mental, and spiritual flourishing. This  is a foretaste of what is to come on the New Heaven and New Earth, and is why we exist.

HOW We Build

Our God is a god of work (six days). He created us to work (cultivate the garden). We were given stewardship over the world and are to cultivate it so that it will flourish. Through our work and the world’s flourishing we become more self-sufficient as God intends. Today, for-profit business is the primary means through which the poor are assisted around the world. This has been the primary factor to the 50% decrease in extreme poverty over the last 30 years around the world. In the communities we serve HVG has increased our focus on economic development to harness this power.

We collaborate with our indigenous partners todiscover unmet market needs & help to create businesses to meet those needs.

Within these businesses those we serve will be given the opportunity to work and earn, serve others, and create economic value (profits). This effort in concert with our Circle of Care and Theological training programs can help achieve our vision – to see relationships restored and communities renewed. An important aspect of this economical development effort is that it, if successful, will support God’s fundamental plan for each and every one of us to be self-sufficient. Some of the issues we work to address with our partners are significant and will take years or decades to address. These issues require measures that can be increased, scaled, over time in order to eventually achieve solutions. Charity is best utilized when it temporarily assists people who aren’t able to engage in economic activity in order to care for themselves.

Business if the best means to achieve long-term self-sufficiency.

It is scalable, can be built to provide more and more economic opportunity and can be built to provide larger and larger financial support to support ministry that addresses these significant social issues.

WHAT We Build

What is HVG doing now to restore relationships and renew communities in South Sudan and Kenya? We have been evaluating a for-profit business in Uganda for several months. This month, we will send a team to complete a feasibility study. If proven feasible, a business plan will be completed, investors will be recruited and this business will be built. This business will provide:

• jobs
• discipleship & entrepreneurial training
• funding for advanced education of our orphans and vulnerable children
• as well as other Kingdom advancing activities

These young people have hearts to serve their communities as ministers of reconciliation.

In the longer term our economic development team will be working to grow this business and scale it for even greater Kingdom impact. Additionally, we will be searching for other for-profit opportunities in East Africa through which those we serve can continue to grow as oaks of righteousness that can build up the ancient ruins.

Join us in this effort, give today. God is being glorified.